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Friday, August 26, 2011

Funny Kid Stuf

One day, a few months ago, we were playing outside and Samantha ran in the house saying she needed to poop. So when she came out, I, being the loving and caring mother, asked her if she pooped. She responded with something like, "No, my poop was shy. And the discussion is over," with a wave of her hand. Haha! They really do repeat you and copy everything you say and do!

This past Tuesday we were about to eat dinner and Sam wanted juice, but I told her she could only drink water with dinner. I told her to go out to the fridge and get a small bottle of water and come to the table. She came back with a Capri Sun, and I said, "That's not water." She said very seriously, "I changed my mind." :) Love that girl. I was trying so hard not to laugh. I gave in and let her have a little bit.

More of Sam's words/pronunciations:

Damingo = Flamingo
Mingos or Bingos = Mangos